Are babies atheists?

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Onwem's picture
Are babies atheists?

I've been thinking about this on and off throughout today. Lil baby in the womb is of no faith. So is the baby an atheist? Does it mean we're all born atheists? Is atheism therefore our default state of being? - and then as we grow and learn/are taught, we either remain in that default state or deviate?

Just something I've been pondering. Feel free to ponder along with me if you like(!) or answer some of the questions if you can or feel to.

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I'm A Believer 2's picture
Personally (and with no
paw42uk's picture
I think that babies are born
xenoview's picture
Mutorc S'yriah's picture
I'll put in my 2¢ worth.
Mirta's picture
IYes, in my opinion babies
Onwem's picture
I'm A Believer 2: I hear your
dtommy79's picture
Why would they be? Being an
Onwem's picture
dtommy79, glad you've
xenoview's picture
Babies are born atheist, they
Sheldon's picture
If they can't choose then
dtommy79's picture
Well, I think they are
Sheldon's picture
You can't be neither, it's
I'm A Believer 2's picture
In my understanding, being an
Sheldon's picture
"How can a baby have the
paw42uk's picture
In answer to ONWEM yes I
xenoview's picture
Sheldon's picture
Nonsense, why do theists
Mirta's picture
Mmmh, finally I agree with
xenoview's picture
Mutorc S'yriah's picture
To paraphrase an old saying:
Zarathustra's picture
I believe atheism is a lack
samking009's picture
Its mystery. The only age
rider's picture
For me, unborn babies are not
Jess-Nielsen's picture
A baby is not an atheist like
SammyShazaam's picture
I'd say babies are agnostic -
Sheldon's picture
Sammy Shazaam
Tin-Man's picture
Hey, Sheldon. For what it is
Sheldon's picture
I thought I was doing quite
Tin-Man's picture
Mutorc S'yriah's picture


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