Archaeological Finds

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Spudnik510's picture
Archaeological Finds

Hi while i was doing some research on another topic i come across something about the split rock that Ron Wyatt supposedly found the one he claims mosses caused water to come out of some of the people on the site i was on claimed that the rock had water erosion marks coming from the rock it self is this a load of rubbish there doesn't seem to be much on the topic that i can find maybe one of you guys can help thanks.

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Grinseed's picture
Anything Ron Wyatt said is
Sheldon's picture
'Doing some research"
Spudnik510's picture
cheers mate
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Spudnik
Tin-Man's picture
A rock..... with a crack in
algebe's picture
The religious relic business
chimp3's picture
Spudnik: What is your area of
Tin-Man's picture
@Chimp Re: "Spudnik: What
chimp3's picture
Tin Man : Spend your money as
Spudnik510's picture
well they say it is not the
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Spudnik
Sapporo's picture
David Killens's picture
NewSkeptic's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Sheldon's picture
"split rock that Ron Wyatt
Spudnik510's picture
Ok primary source (Ron Wyatt
Nyarlathotep's picture
A person's name is not a
Sheldon's picture
Lay off the ad hominem
xenoview's picture
Ron Wyatt is a fraud.
Tin-Man's picture
@Xeno Re: "What was so
Sapporo's picture
We're hearing of another

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