Archaeological Findings

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Spudnik510's picture
hi guys just come across a
arakish's picture
Is the dark rock caused by
Cognostic's picture
"Collins’ discoveries sound
watchman's picture
@ Spudnik …..
arakish's picture
watchman: "No, you are still
Spudnik510's picture
thank you guys for your help
arakish's picture
@ Spudnick
Spudnik510's picture
Would that kind of event be
arakish's picture
Any. Depends on how the
Anonymous's picture
and before the volcano erupts
Spudnik510's picture
so is this area a hot spot
arakish's picture
could even be bigger... rmfr
arakish's picture
@ Spudnik
Spudnik510's picture
Hi and thank you for your
arakish's picture
@ Spudnik
Spudnik510's picture
Hi there ok so i have been
arakish's picture
Yes. All the way up into
Spudnik510's picture
Hi do you know when the
arakish's picture
Not a clue. Probably could


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Anonymous's picture
Richard. Magnificent,
arakish's picture
Magnificent Beast: "oh, no


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Anonymous's picture
Loihi is an active volcano,
arakish's picture


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Anonymous's picture
Guess where I live. Guess.
arakish's picture
@ MB
Anonymous's picture
rmfr, I don't live in Leilani
arakish's picture
rmfr, I don't live in Leilani
Anonymous's picture
Richard, first off, calm down
Anonymous's picture
Seriously, Bonzai Boy, are
arakish's picture
MB: Richard, first off, calm


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