Anyone Else Sick of Religion Mixed With Sports?

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bchouck's picture
Anyone Else Sick of Religion Mixed With Sports?

I've been a sports fan my entire life, but lately I'm finding it harder and harder to enjoy watching games or matches due to how much it irritates me to see the inane religious displays at nearly every event. Is it just me? I mean, a guy gets a measly, meaningless base hit in the 9th inning of a blowout loss and he crosses himself and points to the sky. Really? Or they interview the coach of a football team after a win and he says that first and foremost, he wants to thank God. Players gather before and after games to put on a big show of having a group prayer. Pitchers say a little prayer behind the mound before the game. I can't even count how many times a player on the winning side first wants to thank his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Even boxers that have just finished pummeling someone into a bloody pulp are getting in on the act; it's making me crazy. Do they really think God gives a shit, or that He helped them win; or that He prefers their team over the other? How arrogant and narcissistic is that?!? As hard as I try to ignore it, it makes me want to throw things at the TV and not attend games in person, not to mention lose respect for, and dislike, the players and coaches that do this. Do I need to just lighten up and try to ignore it? Please help me put this in perspective and be able to get back to enjoying the games!

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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Jimmy
David Killens's picture
Yes, it's bullshit, but also,
CyberLN's picture
^^^ That! ^^^
bchouck's picture
Um, I think I must be missing
David Killens's picture
Jimmy Neutron, I apologize if
chimp3's picture
I have never been a follower
algebe's picture
The only sport I watch
chimp3's picture
I also watch Sumo on WHK
Cognostic's picture
@Jimmy Neutron: RE: Sports
bchouck's picture
Music to my ears, Cog, music
Fleeing in Terror's picture
I'm in the middle of a book -
David Killens's picture
This "rational and magical"
Fleeing in Terror's picture
I agree, especially the part
bchouck's picture
Case in point: Eddy Pineiro,
David Killens's picture
I feel the same way, and we


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Randomhero1982's picture
The only time I want to see
algebe's picture
@Randomhero1982: release wild


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Fleeing in Terror's picture
Needs repair. Not functional
Up To My Neck's picture
Killens is absolutely correct
Fleeing in Terror's picture
I'd say it is more pagan than
David Killens's picture
And this reeks of wealth. The


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bchouck's picture
Are you and DKillens serious,
healthnut's picture
I agree that these religious
Cognostic's picture
@Praying should be an Olympic
David Killens's picture
The Romans did integrate
Cognostic's picture
David Killens" OOPS! No
malinkastrong's picture
You know, it’s like when

You know, it’s like when someone recovers from a major surgery and thanks God first instead of the surgeons. Yeah, I get it, it’s a bit weird and dumb. Or like if I placed a bet in the app, it hit, and I said “thank God,” instead of thanking myself for all the time I put into studying analytics, stats, and all that.

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