Any good rebuttal to "Is God a Moral Monster" by Paul Copan available?

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horse's picture
Any good rebuttal to "Is God a Moral Monster" by Paul Copan available?

Hi guys.

I am reading Paul Copan's book "Is God a Moral Monster?". He is a Christian apologetic that tries to defend all those disgusting verses from the old testament such as slavery, genocide, infant killing, raping and so on.

I am so startled by how far he goes to defend all the atrocities done in the name of Yahweh that it makes me think that Paul Copan (and whoever agrees with him) are the real moral monsters!

I was wondering if any of you know any good rebuttal to his book. All I could find was a blog post on (which is nice, btw). Link:

I am also thinking in, after finishing my reading, maybe to start a series of topics in this forum on this book. Perhaps grouping it by chapters. What do you think?



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