Another non-rational thinker seeks self-injury

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Alembé's picture
Another non-rational thinker seeks self-injury

Depending how much of a life you have, you may or not have heard of Mad Mike Hughes, a Flat-Earther who has been trying to launch himself into the sky to obtain proof that the Earth is flat.

Yesterday afternoon, in his steam-powered (sic) rocket, he finally took flight. The rocket went up 1875 feet and came down nose first. The video shows him being gingerly removed from his rocket and although he was conscious and alert, he was not entirely unscathed.

How he hopes to demonstrate that the Earth is flat with his rocket is unclear.

Washington Post story:


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chimp3's picture
If you want to see the earth
algebe's picture
I went higher than that on
Tin-Man's picture
Has the man never heard of
BeneAbba's picture
Grinseed's picture
You only need to stand on a
mykcob4's picture
Don't these people ever look
Sky Pilot's picture
The guy is a dummy. Everyone
Dave Matson's picture
Too bad this guy doesn't know
Sky Pilot's picture
algebe's picture
Yeah. Maps can be deceptive.
Sky Pilot's picture
arakish's picture
Hopefully he ain't reproduced
Sheldon's picture
"a Flat-Earther who has been
Nyarlathotep's picture
The flat-earther this thread


Attach Image/Video?: 

Sheldon's picture
Nyarlathotep "The flat
Whitefire13's picture
First off ... Australia can’t
Cognostic's picture
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Sheldon's picture
algebe's picture
That's sad. The world needs
Nyarlathotep's picture
At least he didn't land on
boomer47's picture
Pretty sure I saw an article

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