'annus horribilis'

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algebe's picture
'annus horribilis'


The Archbishop of Sydney put out a Christmas message calling 2017 an 'annus horribilis'. The Queen used those words in 1992 after one of her daft sons set fire to Windsor Castle. People rightly retorted that that a person in her privileged position didn't have a clue about bad years.

Now this idiot, one of Australia's most senior virgins, makes this statement:
"For people of faith you might say it has been an 'annus horribilis', as our Christian conceptions of life and love have been challenged in the marriage and euthanasia debates, freedom of religion in Australia put in doubt and shameful crimes and cover ups in our church uncovered by the royal commission."

"Freedom of religion" means the freedom to stop gay people getting married and having a life. In the euthanasia debate, these men in dresses claim some kind of ownership over the lives of terminally ill people who just want an end to their pain.

And then the real clincher--The royal commission about church child abuse was a great inconvenience for his criminal organization.

For every victim of priestly abusers, every year is a horrible year. I want the Catholic and other churches to carry on having horrible years until they disappear back up the anus horribilis from which they emanated.

Note: "Annus horribilis" is Latin for horrible year. "Anus horribilis" is an alternative title for the Pope.

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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Nothing to add...except this
Tin-Man's picture
Awwww...... Poor babies...
Tin-Man's picture
May each passing year for
Sky Pilot's picture
What would be the
Tin-Man's picture
@Dio Re: Pope sex tapes
Sky Pilot's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Dio. Re: Corruption
fishy1's picture
Sometimes with people like
fishy1's picture
Sometimes with people like
ZeffD's picture
"..in 1992 after one of her
algebe's picture
"What's the evidence that one
bigbill's picture
hia and merry Christmas I
algebe's picture
@Agnostic believer:
Sushisnake's picture
@ agnostic believer
Sheldon's picture
" You see once you get into
ZeffD's picture
".. I sympathize with the
Tin-Man's picture
@AB/DC Re: "i sympathize
bigbill's picture
But according to my bible it
algebe's picture
@Agnostic Believer: "syphilis
bigbill's picture
usually the gay life style
algebe's picture
Agnostic Believer: "usually
Flamenca's picture
usually the gay life style
Tin-Man's picture
@Flame Re: "Gay lifestyle"
bigbill's picture
well I am no bigot i1m just
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
So, on christmas day you are
Flamenca's picture
bigbill's picture
Before you cast stones look
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
You don't believe anything
Flamenca's picture
Ok, @AB, I don't know how you
Sheldon's picture
"Before you cast stones look


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