That annoying christian.

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mykcob4's picture
That annoying christian.

Okay so you and your friends are all standing around and talking about sports, girls, cars, whatever(I actually like to talk about books I am reading), and a person that you all know comes up to join the conversation. You know this person's "persuasion" but you don't snub them instead waiting for them to "contribute". So as soon as one of your friends finishes a funny story (that he has edited to accommodate the newcomer) The newcomer sees his chance and chimes in. He starts off fine but sure enough, he turns the story into a sermon.
Now in high school, we were just rude and turned our back on these people, but when you grow up and you are in a nonprivate impromptu conversation with neighbors that isn't an option. Pretty soon wives and girlfriends complete with kids in tow join in and the "evangelical' that has just derailed what was an enjoyable conversation turns to his wife and compels her to add to the christian story.
I don't understand these people. They live in a fucking bubble. They are boring, uneducated, and completely unaware of the world around them.
For example one of my neighbor's was commenting on how his 7-year-old has read every Harry Potter book. The "church goer" chimes in with "Oh you should never allow your children to read Harry Potter." Where do you go from there? Do you lambast the asshole for his unrealistic censorship or tell him that he can raise his own kids but to leave everyone else's alone or do you do what I did and just say "Hmmm".
Fucking christians don't know how to act in public. They do nothing but talk about jesus. They don't even know what the fuck they are talking about. It's like they are trying very hard,...TOO FUCKING HARD to mainstream jesus.
Everyone has an annoying christian. All christians are annoying!

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Sapporo's picture
I hate mini-sermons or

I hate mini-sermons or retorts along the lines of "...all have fallen short of the glory of God..." and "Those who reject God replace him with the god of this world" etc. which can be difficult to refute in a brief manner without seeming like you are proving their spiel.

Grinseed's picture
In the scenarios described in

In the scenarios described in the OP its worse than that. Whether or not you believe it, they believe their god is there, in that group, standing to your left, listening in to that conversation and that he is weighing up just how good a proslytiser this guy is and so the christian does try harder like he will get a mark out of ten for sermonising to pagans. Celestial dictatorship indeed.

chimp3's picture
I enjoy debate. If everyone

I enjoy debate. If everyone was in agreement with me I would not come to a debate forum.

Tin-Man's picture
I agree with Chimp.

I agree with Chimp.

mykcob4's picture
It's not about agreement. It

It's not about agreement. It's about there is a time and place for everything within reason. Bringing up jesus all the time and everywhere is just not acceptable.

Tin-Man's picture
I agree with Myk, too.

I agree with Myk, too.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM

@ TM
Oh Stop with the being so damn agreeable, its not like you!

Tin-Man's picture
Yeah, you're right. I totally

Yeah, you're right. I totally agree, Old Man.

David Killens's picture


Although I am loath to be "the party pooper", sometimes one must sacrifice the evening or party to make a powerful point.

My background is military and construction where effective communication is sometimes very necessary. So one does not mince words worrying about hurting feelings when things get dicey. If some idiot is standing behind a dump truck that is backing up, you yell at them hard enough and with words that communicate. Trust me, you make them jump then and there.

And from my personal experience, sometimes a shocking statement cuts through the BS and you get your point across. I have never been in the scenario you have described, but I suspect it is because those around me fully understand that at times I get prickly and don't tolerate fools.

If I was ever in that situation, I would butt right into their religious crap and make sure everyone heard me state that everyone was having a good time until you brought religion and politics into the conservation. Then I would storm out, leaving everyone agape at my little drama, but leaving the guilty party standing in the limelight, having to deal with the fallout.

Just a thought

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
My Censor (you know the

My Censor (you know the little one in your head) departed suddenly and abruptly the day I retired. No notice, just "outta here" and off he went. There is now no gap twixt thought and speech/action.
Because I have always found social interaction excruciatingly funny at times, when meeting acquaintances or people new I can sometimes be seen in paroxysms of mirth at what they think is a perfectly normal exchange. Whereas before, I would contain myself, then if, too much, excuse my self to the bathroom, I am no longer able to be that dignified. This can lead to much social merriment, hard looks and frosty hour from She Who Must Be Obeyed and even the odd 'tail and nose in the air' departure from Captain Cat.

Calls from religious door knockers have grown so infrequent as to be almost a curiosity, telemarketers now hang up on me and salespeople give us a wide berth after the initial exchange.

The most famous one happened recently when introduced to a suspiciously shiny and polished youngish man at an afters party; he. after the barest of introductions started in ( because I am well over 60, he assumed I was a supporter) on a neo liberal rant about welfare, young people and dole bludgers. Waving his glass expansively at all the young filmmakers and actors in the vicinity he asked " what do you see here? See?" My absent censor would have prevented me from saying the last four words, I replied " I see a lot of lovely young people doing what they love, on no money, with passion, and one cupid stunt" But, well the censor was gone and my reply fell full tilt into one of those silences one gets whenever a group people are together.
The shiny person looked so gobsmacked, opening and closing his mouth like a grouper with hiccups I could not help but burst into laughter at his total bewildered discomfiture.

Madame appeared and whisked me away before I could further damage Mr Shiny's composure, but I did hear the round of applause that followed from the room.

All this on two tonic waters and a ginger beer!

Edited to avoid the wrath of admins.

algebe's picture
@Old Man Shouts: one cupid

@Old Man Shouts: one cupid stunt

Ah yes. The lovely and elegant Cupid Stunt. I remember her well from the Kenny Everett Show, which was always done in the best possible taste.

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