An angel's voice heard in a sound recording?

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Seek3R's picture
An angel's voice heard in a sound recording?

Hi guys,

It's me Seeker again. Well, ex-theists, especially the very serious and conservative ones like me, often tend to have many childhood events and stories impregnated inside their mind by their relatives or parents to strengthen their beliefs. These stories are all involving something supernatural in them. Here I am with a supposedly "true" event which freaked me out just 9 years ago. I know it's an old event but its age does not matter as long as I still remember the shit! I need an explanation to what happened back then.

All right so, my mother's father had died in a hospital and his body was brought to the family's main house where the entire family was present (5-4 more sisters of my mother, their husbands and their children). There were also two brothers of my mother one of which used to live upstairs and none of the kids were allowed upstairs because that brother had some issues (not mental but physical). He and his wife were extremely disliked by the family and were somewhat considered rude to my mother's father (especially the wife) when he was alive. That brother was also the most educated brother in the family and was hated because he married a girl without the consent of the parents and that girl was not nice to the grandmother and grandfather. It is believed that she also used to spit in grandfather's food before giving him to eat it. In addition, that brother was also the most learned in terms of English language. He had the most knowledge of English language in the family back then because he had a banker's job.

Now, the thing is, when the grandfather died, his body was brought to that family house for 1 day. Initially, my mother and my brother went there just the next day but I couldn't go due to school and my father was busy in his job. However, after around 9-10 days, we all went there to express our condolences.

There was this sister of my mother who got married the last. Her marriage was not going well and she got divorced after some years of grandfather's death. Her marriage happened just 3 months before the grandfather's death.

Now, here's the event (happened in 2009) which badly brainwashed my brain at that time. That mother's sister called me and my brother saying that she had recorded something unusual on the day on which the grandfather's body was present at the house. Now this recording, I believe, had been heard by everyone in the house before we arrived there and was considered something of a blessing that our grandfather was a great man (which he was but saying that this recording verified it caused me issues for the next 9 years). However, I was very young at that time (exactly 9 years old) and my memory also happened to be excellent. I'm not exactly sure if everyone else in the house heard it but my brother told me that all the husbands of my mom's sisters had collectively heard the recording in the lounge room.

So, mom's sister claims that she woke up early on the morning just before granddad's body was to be taken away for bath (well, I'm not sure if this is common for you guys but in islam they kinda give the dead bodies their last bath before burying them) and burial. It was very early in the morning and for particularly just for memory and to spot out something unusual (I guess?) she recorded some minutes of her time when she was near the dead body. She says she was alone there while everyone else was asleep in the house (it was a double-storey house and the entire family was present in the house for the cause of expressing condolences at that time).

However, next day when she hears the recording, there's a timeline in which a male voice can be heard. That's the recording which she showed us and pointed out the voice. When I first heard it as a 9 year old with an extremely bad English knowledge, this is what I heard:

"Vishu.............................. (a pause), vishu good morning"

Then I asked my brother when the recorded ended and the mom's sister was also sitting there that what is "vishu". He corrected me and said it's "wish you".

So, he says, it is: "Wish you..............., wish you good morning".

Now surprisingly, when the mom's sister says that this is an angel's voice because nobody else was present when she was around the body and recording,, I kinda whispered to my brother: "bro, but this voice sounds like Faisal maamu's voice!" But brother rejects and says that nobody was there at the time of recording so I agree.

Maamu = mother's sister is called a mamu in my language
Faisal = the name of my mother's brother who lived upstairs and no kid was allowed there

Now I perfectly remember hearing a voice in the recording but the question arises, where did that voice come from when everyone was sleeping and the lady was alone when she was recording around the dead body?

However, what surprises me is that this so called angel does not have good English skills because it is missing the article of "a" before the adjective "good" so the sentence is not grammatically perfect according to me.

Here's what surprises me the most as I look back to this event after 9 years:

1) Angels don't exist, so who spoke in the recording?
2) The voice sounded as if it was far away from the recording device but not too far. If I were to give an example, it would be as if a person is speaking in a normal volume to someone 7-8 ft away.
3) The voice didn't sound like an American, Australian or British voice, it sounded like a basic English accent but not a fucked up Indian or Pakistani accent
4) The greetings given in the recording are not grammatically perfect because of the missing article "a". I am a billion percent sure that what I heard was grammatically incorrect because I would've doubted myself if the sentence was spoken quickly but it wasn't. I can exactly duplicate its pace and record myself saying the same thing in the same voice (I don't know why, but I can make my voice slightly heavy and it will match the recording's voice perfectly).
5) Why is "Wish you" repeated twice as if someone is so sad you know and looks at a dead body and says, "Ah, wish you man, wish you a blessed morning." You know like someone sighing and then repeating his words again. But in the recording's case, the voice was utterly straight with absolutely no emotion. No sense of sighing or sadness was felt in it. Just straightly speaking "Wish you", a pause, and then, "wish you good morning".
6) Right after hearing it, I said to my brother "but this sounds like Faisal maamu's voice!". Haha, that must be awkward for whoever heard it. Just to remind you again, Faisal was the brother of mom living upstairs and upstairs was only his room. The stairs leading to the main room where the dead body was placed started from the main room. I don't remember if there was any kind of terrace to look down from the second storey but I just remember a stairs leading from the main room towards upstairs and then the rest of the rooms downstairs were surrounding the main room.
7) Why didn't the voice speak in my local language for fuck sake, why speak in English! English was VERY VERY rare in our household at that time and also at that time of the year in our country in general (2009).

So, any explanation? If nobody was awake except for the mom's sister who was recording, where did the voice come from? If somebody was awake, why did the mom's sister say that nobody else was there?

I cannot say that the sister was lying but I can surely buy any other logical explanation as long as it can make sense and solve the mystery.




Remember, the voice was not immediately heard in the original recording. It was around in the middle or at the end.



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arakish's picture
Right off the bat I already
Seek3R's picture
Can you explain how it is
Seek3R's picture
Can you explain how it is
arakish's picture
Seek3R: "Can you explain how
Seek3R's picture
Sorry, not to be rude or
arakish's picture
Sorry, not to be rude or
Nyarlathotep's picture
The amount of information
David Killens's picture
Your aunt was alone and in
Seek3R's picture
Umm, well yeah it is
David Killens's picture
Once again, please think
Seek3R's picture
I want to be the
David Killens's picture
You are welcome Seek3R.
Seek3R's picture
You assume that my aunt
Cognostic's picture
My hamster started talking to
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Nothing more honest than a
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Why would that hamster walk
Sheldon's picture
One more time as this lesson
arakish's picture
@ Seek3R
Sapporo's picture
It is very easy to be spooked
Seek3R's picture
Hello everybody,
Nyarlathotep's picture
I'd add to your previous
arakish's picture
Seek3R: "'s also
Cognostic's picture
I heard a sound when I
Tin-Man's picture
*door bursts open*....*walks
chimp3's picture
There is only one way that a
Cognostic's picture
The problem is all inside
Tin-Man's picture
@Cog Re: 50 Ways

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