Angels and Spirit Guides

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mysticrose's picture
Angels and Spirit Guides

Angels and spirit guides are the unseen beings that are said to be protecting each of us. The bible uses the term angel while pagans use the term spirit guide but they have the same duty of guiding and guarding us. What is your view about it. Are there really beings out there beside us that lead us to the way where we must go?

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AnimalLeader's picture
Well if you believe in such
James's picture
I don´t think there are
Rob's picture
All things that lead to good
mysticrose's picture
There are people who claimed
Trevor's picture
There are many who beliebe we
mysticrose's picture
Maybe their angels allowed
SammyShazaam's picture
Short story? No, I do not
mickron88's picture
"Angels and Spirit Guides"
arakish's picture
I don't know if I believe in
Cognostic's picture
I used to love reading about
brianallen's picture
Angel numbers https:/

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