"American Exceptionalism"

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Anonymous's picture
"American Exceptionalism"

Did you watch the hundred of thousands of brave, scared, honorable, interesting, intelligent, "immigrants" fleeing the horrors of war from Syria. Did you see their courageous, humble, desperate faces. Many of them were lawyers, professors, clerks, secretaries, civil servants, waiters, construction workers etc. Think of the humanity and dignity despite unbelievable hardship. Now close your eyes and picture Donald Trumps face. Concentrate---focus on Donald Trumps face!!! Think of TRUMPS yacht, TRUMPS plane, TRUMPS helicopter, TRUMP golf courses, TRUMP Casinos, TRUMPS beauty pageants, TRUMP TOWERS"... Forget about(for a moment) Trumps racism, or support for Sarah Palin, or Rush Limbaugh, or "Fox News" or his hateful description of Mexicans, or Moslems, or his "belittling" of just about anyone. Forget about his rhetoric about he has he best television show, best selling book, best golf courses, best casinos, best real estate empire, best lover of the bible, best Macys Ties and Shirts, BEST. Donald Trump says he will make America Great Again. DONALD will make the economy great again. DONALD will take care of all the vets. DONALD will deport all the Mexicans most are rapists and murderers. DONALD will fix the economy. DONALD will make great deals and Japan and Mexico and China will "bow" to his greatness. DONALD will destroy ISIS. DONALD "will make America great again"... ...45% of Republicans believe Barack Obama is a Moslem.. 45% think Donald Trump should be President....... 45% of Christians believe in the literal interpretation of the bible(Adam and Eve and the talking snake).

Now to a different topic--Think of all the stupid car commercials.. Think of all the stupid drug commercials. Think of all the ridiculous stupid commercials that are so fucking dumb you get immune to their stupidness. Think of all the superficial fucking bullshit you see and watch everyday. Think of the false laugh track on shows like the Big Bang Theory. Think of the foolish laughter like the idiots on Good Morning America.

Now after all the bullshit you see with your eyes closed. Open your eyes and watch the picture of children dying of hunger and disease in Africa. Open your eyes wider and see the thousands of desperate fleeing immigrants from Syria.

Most of you will not understand the point I am trying to make because you are too dumb to understand my genus. I am greater than even Donald Trump. .. I will make this world the greatest, best, most wonderful, brightest, biggest, most wonderful world in the history of the Universe!!!! God bless

AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM ????????????????????????

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Ilovequestions's picture
Deep, man
cmallen's picture
Good point, kenny. And yes,
Anonymous's picture
C.M.Allen--I always lumped
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Seems to me you are really
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And you wonder why I don't
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Travis--Your getting "there"
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Hmm, I have seen a few videos
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I've looked as well and am
science's picture
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Btw, the discussion was about


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