Alternative World History

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trustyoursources's picture
Alternative World History

I am a documentary film maker and I believe that modern day accepted version of history is faith based nonsense religion. It is very hard to almost impossible to predict what happened long ago in the past even as late as a few decades ago historical accounts are mostly assumptions and wild guesses. To further illustrate my point I made a documentary about world war II that shows it through an alternative lens yet remains as accurate as any other modern day counter part even though the accounts are radically different. For all we know History played out completely differently then we realize and in all likely hood it did.



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Nyarlathotep's picture
What the fuck are you smoking
trustyoursources's picture
What do you find disagreeable
Nyarlathotep's picture
Well I mean so much of it was
trustyoursources's picture
Ok so I did mess up on
Nyarlathotep's picture
So you admit to confusing
trustyoursources's picture
Hey I am man enough to admit
Nyarlathotep's picture
trustyoursources - As far as
trustyoursources's picture
I am first and for most an
Nyarlathotep's picture
trustyoursources - so I did
CyberLN's picture
I would bet that scholars
trustyoursources's picture
Walt Disney was actually
mykcob4's picture
What the fuck was that? I
trustyoursources's picture
Great arguement you really
Nyarlathotep's picture
Right, it is so bad it is
trustyoursources's picture
Glad you at least enjoyed it.
Truett's picture
A Monty Python announcer is
trustyoursources's picture
I wish it was Monty instead
Sky Pilot's picture
The video actually mirrors
trustyoursources's picture
Atheist making wild claims
Endri Guri's picture
That statement applies to
trustyoursources's picture
reply I am not here to argue
Matt007's picture
Oh I'm not even gonna try.
xenoview's picture
WTF! That was some twisted
trustyoursources's picture
Do you believe the official
CyberLN's picture
"Documentary"? Not.
trustyoursources's picture
How is it not a documentary?
CyberLN's picture
So you know what my 'world
BAACKJD's picture
This is a joke right?
trustyoursources's picture
No it is not.
BAACKJD's picture
You can't possibly be asking


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