An Almighty God writing a book?

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Adjew Adjewleu's picture
An Almighty God writing a book?

I am offended by Christians and/or Muslims when they tell me some god they fear had to write a "holy book" to send me a message!
How is this possible?!
An Almighty God does that?
And the message was in a strange code, to be deciphered by professional personnel I had to pay for the service?!
I ask them, since when did an almighty god need couriers to deliver his messages for a fee?

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Lmale's picture
We know for a fact men put
Adjew Adjewleu's picture
And WHEN will we be able to
Lmale's picture
Not just tales the pope
Lmale's picture
I ment usa lol not us i
Adjew Adjewleu's picture
Adjew Adjewleu's picture
Agree with the desire to
SammyShazaam's picture
They do have snazzy hats,
Lmale's picture
SammyShazaam's picture
Let's be clear - there's
Lmale's picture
Its easy to claim politicions
Lmale's picture
By the way how many americans
juliafrod's picture
Thanks for the
JonathanBarrett's picture
In light of this verse from


Attach Image/Video?: 

juliafrod's picture
As a matter of fact, there
BeneAbba's picture
MaxAdams's picture
this is very interesting
teomatiz's picture
I'm currently studying in
taylorgodiva28's picture
entertainment right at
pearlkingstone's picture
I understand your concerns.
VItor's picture
Looking to enhance your web
thoasmxz's picture
These feelings are not
skyerowe's picture
If an Almighty God were to

If an Almighty God were to write a book, it would be the ultimate source of wisdom, guidance, and truth, offering answers to life's deepest questions. Such a book would carry divine authority, shaping beliefs and morals across generations. It would be a beacon of enlightenment, revealing the path to righteousness and purpose. Learn benefits

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