All your opinions on the American Television Show LOST (Faith v Scienc

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Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
All your opinions on the American Television Show LOST (Faith v Scienc

Assuming all the events of LOST occurred in that universe, and you personally experienced them, how would that change your world view. Pick any character in the show (Hurly, Jack, Ford, John, The Asians!, Benjamin Linus, etc) and, given what you know now AND what you can derive from the specific characters experiences, how would that effect your world view in that universe?

P.S. I am not saying that the show is remotely accurate, I'm just doing a thought experiment on how new information contrary to previously held beliefs would affect a person (otherwise known as an open skeptical point of view)

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Travis Hedglin's picture
What I saw of that show, I
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Shrug. different strokes

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