All bishops in Chile resign--Australia next?

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algebe's picture
All bishops in Chile resign--Australia next?

All 34 Catholic bishops in Chile have tendered their resignations to the Pope as an admission of their failure to protect the innocent from pedophile priests. I wonder if their colleagues in Australia and many other countries will have the courage to follow suit.

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Sushisnake's picture
It would be nice, wouldn't it
Terminal Dogma's picture
How does resigning equate to
arakish's picture
Admission by Omission. rmfr
Sheldon's picture
Integrity and morality within
Sheldon's picture
Ah, they've not actually
chimp3's picture
Why are they waiting for the
Cognostic's picture
Isn't this a great solution!
Cognostic's picture
Bishops are like pigs, you

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