Alabama Abortion Law

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Randomhero1982's picture
Alabama Abortion Law

Could any of my fellow primates that live in the US, tell me if this is media garbage and sensationalism or has the state of Alabma effectively banned abortions?!?!?!

I've just seen a few articles online and its staggering, especially when they turned down exceptions such as rape and incest.

This is simply as staggering as it is disgusting, if true.

The icing on the cake was an image on one article with some world class oxygen thief outside a court with a sign saying "Mary chose life!"

Bloody hell!

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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ RH
Cognostic's picture
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.....
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
I think Georgia just passed a
toto974's picture
Just how many women in
LogicFTW's picture
The law would be almost
Sky Pilot's picture
Women should leave Alabama.
Sheldon's picture
Diotrephes "Women should
LogicFTW's picture
The men that push this law
toto974's picture
So if i understand well...
Sapporo's picture
The other American states
Up To My Neck's picture
Neighboring Georgia just
LogicFTW's picture
More like 6 weeks for their
Account Inactive's picture
@ Pirate Jack
Sky Pilot's picture
Tin-Man's picture
Sadly, I live in a state full
Grinseed's picture
Hold your head up high Tin.
Cognostic's picture
The majority of abortions in
LogicFTW's picture
@Randomhero1982 & thread.
Randomhero1982's picture
Thank you Logic, the article
CyberLN's picture
It makes me profoundly sad.
Meepwned's picture
@Talyyn For alot of people,
Tin-Man's picture
Something my wife posted on
Account Inactive's picture
@ Tin-Man
Fleeing in Terror's picture
The ‘pro-lifers’ have the
CyberLN's picture
These are the people who just


Attach Image/Video?: 

toto974's picture
@CyberLN Old white men?
Tin-Man's picture
@Cyber Re: "Notice any
NewSkeptic's picture
NewSkeptic's picture
Sorry, but I just love that
Sky Pilot's picture


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