Agreeing on a defintion of "God" with theists

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toto974's picture
Agreeing on a defintion of "God" with theists

Hello Everyone, I hope you have a goog day.

Like the title suggests, when we let theists keep deciding , arbitrary, what their favorite deity is, and that they keep changing this definition as the debate goes, we lost.

So, if they add properties like being extra-dimensional, or infinite, and that, without reasonable assumptions or backing from religious authorities, we must tell them.

For example, when they say God is infinite, we have to work trough all the ramifications before continuing. In my mind, saying your god is infinite is close to say it is indefinite, and so, the whole point of discussing is moot. Please correct me if i am wrong.

Your thoughts on this?

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arakish's picture
Hell, my God is so powerful,
toto974's picture
I hope she's georgous!!! As
Peurii's picture
Many semantic games are
toto974's picture
The problem isnt' that this
Peurii's picture
I think those people are
toto974's picture
Peurii's picture
Yes, it's like with people
LogicFTW's picture
If we stray away from
Peurii's picture
You just described most of
toto974's picture
So if we were to agree on the
LogicFTW's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
toto974's picture
Oh..., I never thought of
Peurii's picture
I find it hard to listen to
Sapporo's picture
If there was an agreement on
Sheldon's picture
"For example, when they say
toto974's picture
Yes, my bad. When i say "we",

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