Agree With Each Other First On First Mover

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chimp3's picture
Agree With Each Other First On First Mover

I am challenging our Seventh Day Adventist, Baptist, Catholic, Hndu, and Muslim members of this forum to agree that peripatetic arguments prove god. And then use those same peripatetic arguments to prove the god they each believe in is the same one.

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Peripatetic's picture
Jews, Christians and Muslims
chimp3's picture
You all have a god of your
SunDog's picture
You're full of shit!
SunDog's picture
Peripatetic that is!
jonthecatholic's picture
That's true. The arguments
chimp3's picture
Argue with peripatetic, not
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
Not sure what was Peripatetic
chimp3's picture
Well, at this point we have a
jonthecatholic's picture
I guess it’s pretty simple to
chimp3's picture
Use the first mover argument
Peripatetic's picture
which part of "these things
chimp3's picture
So, the first mover argument
Peripatetic's picture
Proves that there is a
chimp3's picture
Proves you are capable of
Peripatetic's picture
equating thought experiments
chimp3's picture
I am equating thought
jonthecatholic's picture
Chimp, you’re forcing us to
LogicFTW's picture
How do you guys reconcile the
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
Perhaps the same way two
chimp3's picture
John: Do you believe Hindus
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
No, they are the outliers.
chimp3's picture
Hindus? 950 million is an
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
Correct given that 950mil is
Nyarlathotep's picture
chimp3 - 950 million is an
chimp3's picture
John is a Seventh Day
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
SDA's are outliers within
chimp3's picture
Many more Hindus believe
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
chimp3's picture
I've got a million of 'em!
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
Good, now if there are 4


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