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mysticrose's picture

I have few knowledge about agnostics people until I learned more about agnosticism on this article;

Does agnosticism brings a person to a safer zone? No conflict and lesser discrimination.
Unlike atheists who are being discriminated by religious people and religious people who cannot prove their own beliefs, do agnostics have more peace to keep?

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Spewer's picture
Agnostics and atheists are
Zaphod's picture
I would also consider myself
SammyShazaam's picture
Agreed. I'm agnostic. I don't
mattyn's picture
I think this is seen by many
Shock of God's picture
Actually, atheism, in the
Walker's picture
I think there is a very think
SammyShazaam's picture
You are generous there... not
mysticrose's picture
So basically, agnosticism
Zaphod's picture
Pretty much, yeah!
SammyShazaam's picture
I just reread the original
mattyn's picture
Would he be upset that we
efpierce's picture
Good point! Maybe God wants
SammyShazaam's picture
Well, if we were created in
Shock of God's picture
Atheism is literally, from

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