Agnostic Theist and Agnostic Atheist are logically impossible.

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Edison Tan's picture
Agnostic Theist and Agnostic Atheist are logically impossible.

It is illogical to say that you are Agnostic Atheist or Agnostic Theist.

noun ag·nos·tic \ag-ˈnäs-tik, əg-\

: a person who does not have a definite belief about whether God exists or not
: a person who does not believe or is unsure of something

noun athe·ist \ˈā-thē-ist\

: a person who believes that God does not exist

Agnostic Atheist by definition of those who claimed that they are, is a person who does not have a define belief about whether God exist or not but also believes that God does not exist.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
The definition of those 3
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
ow man
Edison Tan's picture
You are incorrect. Agnostic
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Hmm, i will have patience
Edison Tan's picture
You didn't get the point.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I am truly trying hard to see
JAlexG's picture
Generally whenever I hear of
Edison Tan's picture
Nope. There is no such


Attach Image/Video?: 

hermitdoc's picture
All definitions are debatable
Edison Tan's picture
Agnostics are claiming that
solidzaku's picture
On the very top of it, yes,
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Dawkins scale is Dawkins
Edison Tan's picture
Again. You can't have a
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Agnosticism - neither
ThePragmatic's picture
Of course, you are free to
Edison Tan's picture
You didn't get the point. I
Nyarlathotep's picture
Knowledge and belief are NOT
ThePragmatic's picture
I think I do get the point.
hermitdoc's picture
I would add that one can be
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
This video once linked by
Nyarlathotep's picture
mykcob4's picture
I completely and utterly
chimp3's picture
I state there is no god. I do
Pitar's picture
TLDR: The docetic Gnostics
David_Holloway's picture
EdisonTan, I have read this
CyberLN's picture
This string is about a year
MCDennis's picture
What an idiotic post. Buy a
xenoview's picture
Necromancy at work!

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