The afterlife.

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Nicktator's picture
The afterlife.

The afterlife. The one thing that we will never really discover for humanity. What do you think it is? What is the experience. It is in fact scary for many people including myself to think about, and I think that maybe when you pass you are stuck eternally in a calm state of mind, or you are reborn, and completely forget about your past life, but this starts the topic of reincarnation, which I will cover in another forum. But I want to hear opinions about the afterlife from everyone from atheists to creationists, and agnostics included.

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James's picture
I think in the afterlife
Lauren's picture
I was asked this question
SammyShazaam's picture
Good answer! I'm sure that
Walker's picture
The concept and theory of old
mysticrose's picture
No one can really explain it
Matty Arnold's picture
I always find it interesting
mysticrose's picture
I just found this article and
Zaphod's picture
I found the read interesting.
SammyShazaam's picture
Rather than think of the soul
Rob's picture
I think the afterlife could
TW Duke's picture
Maybe when our existence ends
Henry Plantagenet's picture
Have some balls. Accept that
SammyShazaam's picture
I do agree that that
DarkLight's picture
Most people would rather
Unknowntyper's picture
After life there is death...
Edéss Dak-Ho''s picture
To be honnest...for me i
efpierce's picture
I'm still waiting for a good
Zaphod's picture
I would not be surprised if
ginamoon's picture
I have heard some stories
SammyShazaam's picture
Ta Da!
mysticrose's picture
Others see a bright light
SammyShazaam's picture
The bright light is explained

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