Adam and Steve

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Lauren's picture
Adam and Steve

Congrats to those of you who can now marry in the California! FINALLY! I am embarrassed it took this long. But I must vent... I was recently talking with someone about this topic and he boastfully said, " I believe in Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." I have heard this quote before but boy my blood just boiled and I couldn't help but become aggressive with my words. What do you guys feel about this topic and imo offensive quote.

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Zaphod's picture
I think Adam and Steve could
James's picture
I personally think everyone
mysticrose's picture
Lol! Adam and Steve is quite
mattyn's picture
Ha ha ha that is another good
SammyShazaam's picture
I do agree that the girls
Unknowntyper's picture
Madam and Eve... Totally
Zaphod's picture
Yeah, me too!
efpierce's picture
Why is it that such a serious
SammyShazaam's picture
You're absolutely right about
efpierce's picture
I'm talking about the actual
Lauren's picture
I take issues seriously when
mattyn's picture
I guess some people are more
SammyShazaam's picture
I do like this forum for that
firebolt's picture
That original quote is
SammyShazaam's picture
Such a sunset would be
ginamoon's picture
What I will always say for
SammyShazaam's picture
I hear you, but if you follow
Zaphod's picture
I find most people don't wish
ginamoon's picture
I think in these kind of
firebolt's picture
I was just invited to a
Zaphod's picture
I think arguably his best man
SammyShazaam's picture
There you go! Zaphod just

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