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mykcob4's picture

There was a thread about pet peeves or something to that effect. What I forgot to include is the lack of accountability. Especially personal accountability.
In today's world, people are immersed in their smart phone. They don't have basic communication skills. Their pets are mistreated because they view them as toys or accessories. They don't pay attention when they drive because they are always on their phone.
My biggest gripe is the lack of accepting responsibility for their actions. Just today a 14-year-old neighbor was sitting on the curb in front of my house. He was drinking a Rangerade. He didn't finish it but was through with it. What did he do? He tossed in my yard. I watched him do it. I told him "hey, pick that up and throw it away." He responded with, "I'm through with it", and ran off. I took care of it myself. later I said you will not throw trash in my yard. He said he didn't. I said now you're just lying. So I marched him to my trash can, made him dig out the Rangerade bottle, and then I marched him over to his mom and told her the whole story. She looked at me quizzled and said, "He said he was through with it." I said if he was through with it, he can throw it away properly and that doesn't mean tossing it in my yard for ME to pick up. She said okay. I said I mean it, it better not happen again. If it does, I'll make your husband come and get it.... FORCIBLY! I also so said I'm not here to raise your goddamned kids, so you had better raise them yourself. Every kid in my entire neighborhood knows not to leave things in my yard, but they also know not to ever lie to me. Yes, I'm an asshole, but hey, if they can't hold their kids accountable for their actions I will sure hold the parents accountable for their kid's actions.
That is one small example. Look at Trump. He has never been held accountable for anything.

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Deforres's picture
"Just today a 14-year-old
mykcob4's picture
Rangerade is a suger filled
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