Abstract Question About Variability in Existence

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Jhoop's picture
Abstract Question About Variability in Existence

Today I woke up asking myself a question that I’ll share...

“If there is infinite time between events and each event can be assigned an estimated probability of not occurring equal to 1/k^(n) where n is the number of attempts. After each event occurs there is a probability that both it and all other possible complementary events will occur again. Then with infinite time, these events would occur again and all possible events occur. What then, makes this experienced reality the only one lived?”

This seemed to go here on this forum because it appears to contradict the non-existence of after-life and determinism.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
You might find this
calhais's picture
One problem here is inducing
LostLocke's picture
The idea, or "problem", with
arakish's picture
The universe is said to have
calhais's picture
If I had to select a logic to
Jhoop's picture
Ok thanks for getting back
arakish's picture
For one, humans were not
David Killens's picture
@ Jhoop
calhais's picture
Why on Earth anyone trusts
Alembé's picture
Hi calhais,
David Killens's picture
@ calhais
calhais's picture
Presumably, concept alone.
David Killens's picture
arakish's picture
Yep. Just like John Breezy..
calhais's picture
Because common sense fails
David Killens's picture
Dave Matson's picture
calhais's picture
In line with my earlier
Sapporo's picture
I have no real problem with
Jhoop's picture
Well afterlife in the literal
Sapporo's picture
Well afterlife in the literal
David Killens's picture
An afterlife is not necessary
arakish's picture
"Just like unicorn farts."
calhais's picture
What do you mean when you
Dave Matson's picture
You can't have an infinite
calhais's picture
``Expressed as integers''
Tin-Man's picture
Ummm.... Show of hands,
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM
Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man Re: "OY! I wasn't
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Tin Man


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