8th day circumcision

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Proud Jewish boy's picture
8th day circumcision

I'd like to present one of the period for the Torah, if you disagree, then plz explain why - and be reasonable:

A newborn male is to be circumcised on the eighth day from birth . But naturally one would ask, why on the eighth day? Wait at least until about thirty days when the baby gets stronger, or perform the ritual at puberty?
However, only recently did modern technology discover that a baby is born with significantly low vitamin K. Vitamin K is the vitamin responsible for congealing the blood after being exposed to the air from a cut. After a few days from birth, the levels of vitamin K start increasing. Ironically, it reaches its peak at the eighth day. After the eighth day, it lowers and stabilizes for life. To be more precise, on the eighth day, it's at 110% thereafter dropping to 100% and stabilizing for life.
How amazing that G-d sets up nature to fit his commandment! How in the world would anyone but G-d be able to know this scientific piece of information, only discovered in recent times, in primitive ages.

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rtmcdge's picture
There are many such biblical
Proud Jewish boy's picture
What salvation are you
LostLocke's picture
Or, it could just be simple
Proud Jewish boy's picture
The difference is too slight
MCDennis's picture
Fascinating assertion. What
algebe's picture
Over many years, rabbis
MCDennis's picture
Sounds like some kind of
Proud Jewish boy's picture
"More importantly, why is it
algebe's picture
"I didn't mention sex organs"
Proud Jewish boy's picture
Oh, woops, I didn't get your
algebe's picture
@Proud Jewish Boy: "For
Proud Jewish boy's picture
I was circumcised, my
algebe's picture
Even if it were true that you
Proud Jewish boy's picture
No, the challenge is actually
algebe's picture
"An atheist doesn't really
Proud Jewish boy's picture
I thought you knew the
xenoview's picture
Way off OP!
CyberLN's picture
Harry33Truman's picture
"First of all, yes the parent
Proud Jewish boy's picture
If you haven't read any of my
Harry33Truman's picture
"First of all, yes the parent
algebe's picture
So your so-called "absolute"
Proud Jewish boy's picture
What's absolute about my
algebe's picture
"Secondly, 90% of people are
Proud Jewish boy's picture
You misunderstood what I said
algebe's picture
So if "god" told you take
Proud Jewish boy's picture
I haven't said atheists are
LogicFTW's picture
I would be like you, or much
algebe's picture
@PJB: "It is worth it for me
Harry33Truman's picture
You are no different from


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