7 questions every atheist should answer

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reedemption's picture
7 questions every atheist should answer

The Atheist has always find a way to insult the religious by calling them ignorance,
Due to their doctrine or belief, which they hold on to

Although most doctrine religious people hold on to are not real especially Islamic, but That's does not mean

The Atheist are so ridiculous, By asking for a physical prove of a spirit being,

But anyways if still hold to atheist, I will like you to answer the ques

1. What triggers big bang

2. Why can't science create natural material such as human blood, instead of donating or Culturing from existing cell

3. Why do atheist believe soul exist even with no prove

4. How do we see in the dream, even when our eye are close, any scientific explanation ??

5. Where did the material they form Earth and Rock comes from before big bang

6. What is origin of the Spirit beings,. D

7. Why do you think you are alive,. To study gravational laws ?? Or study chemistry ??

If you can get all these questions, then it mean you know what you are doing and probably Right that, God doesn't exist

If you don't have answer to this question,. Then it mean something Is above your intelligent and logic

That thing which is beyond your intelligent is what is Call the Origin

The Origin is a Palace , occupied by a Supreme Being

That Supreme Being is the one Known as t GOD


Atheist is really at loss because whether you believe or not HE EXIST

You are only living a life of self deceit ,

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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Reed.
Tin-Man's picture
Oh, what the hell? Why not? I
In Spirit's picture
@Tin man
Cognostic's picture
@Redemption: "Should."
Nyarlathotep's picture
reedemption -


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Randomhero1982's picture
Yeah why not, let's give it a
toto974's picture
algebe's picture
@reedemption (Love the
boomer47's picture
"You are only living a life
Nyarlathotep's picture
reedemption - 5. Where did
Grinseed's picture
These questions you ask
Mutorc S'yriah's picture
@ reedemption . . .
Sheldon's picture
Still the same bullshit,
Randomhero1982's picture
How about one question no
FievelJ's picture
Going to make this really
LogicFTW's picture
@reedemption OP
Calilasseia's picture
Oh look, it's another piece
LogicFTW's picture
chimp3's picture
@reedemption: "4. How do we
David Killens's picture
Sheldon's picture
David Killens
David Killens's picture
LostLocke's picture
OK, well this should be fun..
CyberLN's picture
Reedemption, in response to

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