69 dead as search for Guatemala volcano victims continues

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mickron88's picture
69 dead as search for Guatemala volcano victims continues

is this the earth sneezing or its gods will?

early this Tuesday a volcano erupted in Guatemala.


how do theist think of this? i wanna ask you theists..do you think its gods will to kill this people?
did god let it happen for a reason?....for what reason and why?
and do you think those people who died in the eruption didn't pray? hoping that god will save them?
don't tell me that god didn't do it....cause what i know its all gods will...everything happens for a reason...as what theists say..

"thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven"

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Cognostic's picture
mickron88's picture
is it to late to repent?.....
Cognostic's picture
Oh! I just remembered....
Flamenca's picture
And the Gay Pride Week hasn't

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