30% of Australians have no religion

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algebe's picture
30% of Australians have no religion


This is an article about data from last year's Australian census. The good news that Christianity has dropped from around 90% in 1966 to just over 50% now, while no religion has jumped to 30%. The bad news is that Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism have made big gains, though they're all still around 2%, which is not much more than "Other" at 1.7%. "Other" probably includes Jedis and Pastafarians, etc.

I wonder how far the Christian population has to fall before politicians stop claiming that a country is Christian.

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xenoview's picture
Algebe - I wonder how far the
MCDennis's picture
Good news
LogicFTW's picture
Makes me want to move to
algebe's picture
@LogicForTW: "Makes me want
LogicFTW's picture
Sold! Plus I get to see
algebe's picture
@LogicForTW: "Plus I get to
algebe's picture
And here's how god takes care


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LogicFTW's picture
Hah, love the Sauron
algebe's picture
@!LogicforTW: "Also helps
xenoview's picture
Found the interesting article
Wednesday Addams's picture
The Christian population can
curtisabass's picture
Logic for TW. Don't give up
bigbill's picture
Australia is going like
algebe's picture
LogicFTW's picture
I always wonder if I could
bigbill's picture
yes but time will be the
ZeffD's picture
YouGov to run an online poll
Lê Hoàng Triết Minh's picture
finally Australia is balanced
algebe's picture
@Jackson Lee

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