13 years old, agnostic, and I still fear hell

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pork232's picture
13 years old, agnostic, and I still fear hell

I am 13 years old. I was raised Catholic. My family isn't particularly religious, but my school is. My school taught me to accept religion at face value. When I was younger, I did accept religion, and I didn't think anything of it. I never really thought about challenging it, and I always feared hell. About 2 years ago, after a trip to a Science museum with my school class, things began to change. I began to realise that science actually makes sense, and although we cannot explain everything, the current answers science has to offer seem to satisfy me more than the answers that religion has to offer. Because I was younger, not only did science seem to make sense, but I kind of liked the idea of there not being a creator that always watches over people. I liked the idea of being free and I thought that the idea of evolution totally made sense. Recently, a friend of mine who is religious has been kind of trying to convert me, and has sent me a few youtube videos to try to convince me that I am incorrect. At first I didn't really take these videos seriously, but most of these videos talked about Near Death Experiences and how all these atheists went to hell during their experiences. I guess seeing those videos brought my old fear back to life and now I am kind of scared again. My dad says he doesn't believe in a creator, and now I am worried for him. It is strange because deep down I know that there is not a lot of evidence for religion being true, but I still fear death in case it may be true. Now I am almost hoping there is no afterlife because if there is no life after death, at least I know that there will not be any pain or any negative experiences. I guess you could say I am being controlled by my own fear. What can I do about this? Also, I hate to ask for a lot, but I wanted to share a video that kind of scares me and see what you guys think of the video.


Thanks to anyone who answers this in advance.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
It's non-sense. We shouldn't
Dave Matson's picture
pork232's picture
algebe's picture
Dreams can inspire or terrify
ThePragmatic's picture
@ pork222
pork232's picture
@The Pragmatic
ThePragmatic's picture
@ pork222
ætherborn98's picture
You know, Christ died so you
mykcob4's picture
@Hawk Flint
Sir Random's picture
Hawk, are you out of your
ætherborn98's picture
I'm not converting anyone. I
ThePragmatic's picture
Come on Hawk.+
ætherborn98's picture
"You where actually tricked
algebe's picture
@Hawk Flint
Harry33Truman's picture
Christ died for his own sins,
ætherborn98's picture
Isaiah 53 with, as Greensnake
Kataclismic's picture
Religion is a con propagated
Harry33Truman's picture
In Christianity, in Judaism
Kataclismic's picture
The third Noahic commandment
bigbill's picture
13 year old agnostic, if you
Sir Random's picture
Fossils are from animals that
bigbill's picture
yes but can you please
Sir Random's picture
Perhaps we simply haven't
bigbill's picture
that is one thing we may have
Sir Random's picture
I thought I just said we
bigbill's picture
repent repent and come to
Sir Random's picture
And again, from Disturbed's
bigbill's picture
your photo says it all do you
Sir Random's picture
That's not Satan. That's
Harry33Truman's picture
The point of religion isn't


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