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Just so you know..there are only a handful of violent Muslims in the world. They are being exploited by our hyper-sensitive media outlets. Namely Fox, CNN to name a few
This doesn't make their vapid superstitious beliefs any less absurd, or much of their religious tome any less objectionable & immoral. The fact that religious people hypocritically condemn competing superstitions is ironic, but you're wrong if you think this fact is lost on the average atheist.
While the average Muslim is more violent than the average person without religion, they are still less violent than Muhammad was portrayed by the earliest Islamic dogma.
This could be due to a general tendency of regarding violent behavior as abominable, or perhaps the modern Muslim is more attached to worldly things rather than to dogma encouraging them to "kill and be killed".
I have an issue with the history in general of all nations I think It's bad .. Maybe the problem with Muslims is that they didn't make a boycutt with their history like most of the nations did !! Arabic socialism / nationalism tried to destroy the theocracy kingdoms but they failed ....
It may be difficult for Muslims to detach the political aspect of Islam from its private aspect.
It seems it is the case sadly.
Sunni side UP!
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I've read parts of the Quran, here and there. What I notice is that it's very different from the Bible. The Bible is basically a collection of fairy tales. The Quran, on the other hand, is like a manual full of instructions, which should have more impact on Muslims than the Bible does on Christians. As there is no shortage of verses in the Quran about killing infidels, I think Islam is much more dangerous than Christianity.
My 100% reaction
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Thank you for this, I must have missed it first time around. The level of dishonesty SFT has shown on here should not go unchallenged. It's also very ironic that when facing cogent challenges to his beliefs & claims he resorts to the most petulant posts imaginable, especially after his arrogant grandiose claims for his religion's moral ascendancy over subjective secular morality. Always demand people justify their beliefs and claims, and I see no reason to exclude the second hand ravings of violent paedophile warlords from that.
What ? Are you talking about me ?
Nope, thanking Sapporo for challenging SFT's dishonesty, by asking the questions he has evaded since his original claims on here were challenged.
Adonis, you seem to be a defender of Islam, if not a promoter.
Why did you delete the title of this thread?
Is that what you think really ?? No I'm not ... I'm just making arguments I never defend Islam at all maybe It's not clear in my posts but If you see my comments on other posts You gonna know me ! ..
I just wanted to delete my posts but I couldn't so I started to just delete all of the words and put some points but suddenly It was published as a new post which is not ! Fine I won't do that again !