Where do you think atheism will be in 25 years?

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SirEugene's picture
Where do you think atheism will be in 25 years?

The ratio of "Religiously unaffiliated" people is at 1 out of 5 people.
This was more than likely mostly recorded outside of the bible belt, and most of the people in the survey were probably adults. There seems to be a lot more teens and children becoming atheists, while older generations seem to be mostly Theist. Nevertheless, the percentage of atheist or "Religiously unaffiliated" people is growing rapidly, and with help of atheist YouTubers that have hundreds of thousands of subscribers, this number is getting bigger day by day... Some people say religion may be uncommon by year 2055. I'd like to know what you guys have to say about this. Where do you think it will be?

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I think it will take about a
Pitar's picture
That's not an appreciable
Beau Bot's picture
It is hard to say, because it
Endri Guri's picture
Well in 25 years I believe in
ZeffD's picture
My guess for 2055: Religion
MCDennis's picture
I don't know for sure... but
xenoview's picture
I would say it will take at
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
25 years is a long time away.
biggus dickus's picture
I am afraid we won't see a

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