Someone on Reddit messaged me shit and now I'm regressed

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Italianish's picture
@ David Killens

@ David Killens
Sometimes I feel like God exists without the church, and I think I was trying to be descriptive and maybe sarcastic towards someone other than the originator or responding members of this post.. it’s funny without trying to be a hypocrite I didn’t like the sarcasm
In my own topic.. this was after I posted here.. hours later, my feelings and perceptions changed since then.

David Killens's picture
@ Italianish

@ Italianish

I was just offering a possible explanation. Emotions are necessary for religion.

But it appears you are close to the state I was in when I rejected organized religion. I still sought for something spiritual.

Italianish's picture
I apologize I didn’t mention

I apologize I didn’t mention that I believed you were right.

David Killens's picture
@ Italianish

@ Italianish

It not a problem, never was, never will be.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Nyarlathotep - I'm no expert

Nyarlathotep - I'm no expert on Catholic chemistry. Here is what they tell us:
wine -> blood_of_Jesus

So I assumed:
wine + SARS-CoV-2 -> blood_of_Jesus

But maybe it is:
wine + SARS-CoV-2 -> blood_of_Jesus + SARS-CoV-2

Today I read an article that gives a clue to at least how Greek Orthodox "Chemistry" works. Basically it says that the Holy Eucharist (basically a ritual where everyone drinks from the same cup) can not transmit disease to the people who drink from it. I guess the Greek Jesus is stronger than the Catholic Jesus.

Whitefire13's picture
@Nyar . I guess the Greek

@Nyar . I guess the Greek Jesus is stronger than the Catholic Jesus. always hurts my head to throw on an apologist’s hat...

boomer47's picture


@Nyar . I guess the Greek Jesus is stronger than the Catholic Jesus. always hurts my head to throw on an apologist’s hat...

Quite possibly.

It could also be that the eastern rites church remains more overtly superstitious than Roman Catholicism in say north America, Western and Northern Europe.

Hope the stupid bastard making that claim is arrested as a threat to public health .



The official dogma of the catholic church is that of Transubstantiation .

That during the mass, at the point of consecration, the priest says 'Hoc est enim corpus meum" over the host (bread) It sounds more impressive in Latin ---"This is my body". He does the same thing with the wine; (hoc est enim calix sanguinis meum) THAT is the point of the miracle: The bread and wine LITERALLY become the body and blood of Christ, whilst still retaining the form, texture ,taste of bread and wine.

And yes, I think a great many catholics actually believe that. I did until I was about 20. IF one is taught young enough ,say before the age of seven, one absorbs whatever one is told by an adult, uncritically.Those teachings ,no matter how bizarre, superstitious or just plain hateful, become part of one's world view and sense of identity. EG "I am a catholic .If you are not catholic then you are wrong and 'less than'. You will also probably go to hell"

A lot of older Catholics especially still believe that crock. IMO claims of exclusive absolute truths are harmful to society, especially if supported by authority and/or political power.

Mikhael's picture
It's stuff like this that

It's stuff like this that takes me out of my fears and panic , because there isn't a damn thing that could convince me again that the stale ice cream cone in my hand was the body of a god.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Mikhael

@ Mikhael

Obviously you need a man in a dress to mutter incantations over it first. Bet be careful, you know where that can lead with under 12's.

boomer47's picture


"---because there isn't a damn thing that could convince me again that the stale ice cream cone in my hand was the body of a god."

A completely rational stance to take. The only reason catholics believe that crock is because they were taught ,in a matter-of-fact way of the truth of the claim before the age of reason***. Until that time at least, one also believes one's parents are all-knowing ,and that one can trust anything an adult says.

So, my pre-seven year old believed the communion wafer contained Jesus in exactly the same way as I believed my aunt when she told me that; If I ate too much sugar my arms and legs would fall off and that if I swallowed my chewing gum, it would wrap itself around my heart and kill me. No filter of reason..

--I can still remember my distress at discovering that in a comic book , a man who had a moustache could be a crook. Took a while for me to extrapolate that to real life--------------

---as an adult, I've had to unlearn my bigotries about women, aboriginal people specifically and black people generally. Also prejudices against anyone who wasn't a white Irish catholic.


**The Catholic church teaches the age of reason is 7. At that age one makes one's first confession (having learned all about mortal sin and hell) and receives one's first communion. (That was a big deal with a special breakfast after. Of course at that time one had to fast from the night before if one was to receive communion. )

IMO the age of reason is around the age of 12. Or at least it was for me. It was at age 12 I began to have abstract thoughts such as right and wrong as principles, as more than a matter of reward and punishment. Also, my conscience arrived, with a heavy thud. My catholic conscience was a great personal inconvenience and pretty much remained so until well after I had left the church.

ADDENDUM: I left out the exception. Very strange people who convert to Catholicism as adults. They have to believe all that shit before they are accepted. . I can only think that such people have under developed senses of reason or are simply so psychologically needy that they will believe anything. .

David Killens's picture
I would eat one of these ....

I would eat one of these ......


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