Social anxious atheist

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Daniel2's picture
Social anxious atheist

Hi There my name is Daniel and I am a social anxious atheist .I am from Gauteng South Africa and I live in a very religious region there is this funny church that I know of that keeps
preparing for armageddon and believes in a economic collapse .

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Whitefire13's picture
Welcome Daniel!

Welcome Daniel!

A good majority of Christians believe in end times and a coming economic collapse.

What puzzles me, is they get sooooo upset and vocal when they “see” it happening via their “news” and favorite “dot connector” (conspiracy theorist) - you think they’d be happy!

Grinseed's picture
Hi Daniel, a unreasonable

Hi Daniel, a unreasonable part of my family is like that 'funny' church you mention, another Armageddon every other day. Economic collapses are cyclic events of varying degrees. They get no prophecy points with that.
Welcome to the forum.

@ pugmug, you'd think Christians would be happy to die and go to heaven, puzzles me why their funeral services are so grim and miserable...

Whitefire13's picture
I know!!!! I don’t want a

I know!!!! I don’t want a funeral! I’m having a “Celebrate the life that was Whitefire!”

boomer47's picture

I know!!!! I don’t want a funeral! I’m having a “Celebrate the life that was Whitefire!”

Me, I really could not care less. What with being dead at the time and all. Besides, difficult having a celebration in a phone booth.

On the other hand, my devout catholic mother had a spiffing celebration of her life. She left three pages of written instructions . EG : White coffin, who she wanted to say the requiem mass, music ('When Irish Eyes are smiling' for the recessional) and left a wad of cash for the wake .

What happens at a proper Irish wake? We all sit round and tell outrageous, wonderful lies about the deceased. Then we all get pissed and fight. The trick is to leave before first blood. I'm rotten at that, so I stopped going to wakes 30 years ago. Besides, being the only sober person in a room full of drunks is a part of life's rich tapestry one may confidently skip. That and having a catheter.

Here little cards are given out, with a photo of the deceased and order of service. They often have a biblical quote or appropriate saying at the bottom. Mum was 92 when she died. At the bottom of the card was "When a person is loved, they always die too soon"

Cognostic's picture
@Daniel: If they predict

@Daniel: If they predict economic collapse long enough, they are bound to be right at some point. You just encourage those churches to hang in there, their god is going to be completely validated at some point in the future. Then all the church members can smile and say "We told you so." And all the atheists will agree, "Yes, yes, you told us so." And then we will thank them for sharing their God and his prophecies with us because we are all to fucking stupid to even imagine another reason for economic collapse.

Daniel2's picture
Thanks for the beautiful

Thanks for the beautiful comments .The church sometimes gave weird speeches like they are God's chosen people and only their members will go to heaven and also speeches like South Africa is the promised land and belongs only to them they also believe the pastor is always right .I am glad to be an atheist because their members is so extreme some them read 6 hours bible a day

dogalmighty's picture
Welcome...what you see and


Welcome...what you see and experience, is a product of fear. Religions, are perpetualized, because of dogmatic belief based in fear. Now you have broken free of this failure in reason, you can think critically, and define truths easier, without the fear that makes people believe in idiotic irrational ideologies. Now that you are free, don't lose your ability to reason, it is your most valuable asset. In your environment, relax and avoid religion in general, particularly debate or discussions about religion. Go out and be altruistic and helpful to others...that is by far more fulfilling for you, as opposed to believing in something that doesn't exist in reality. Good luck, and stay safe...each one of us on here, are here for you.

Daniel2's picture
Thanks you people are very

Thanks you people are very kind just like my wonderful family .

jay-h's picture
The psychology of 'change

The psychology of 'change your ways the end times are coming' are common in a number of religions, but also other groups. Some propose desperate measures to forestall economic collapse, social issues (be sure and send money), overpopulation collapse, extreme environmental collapse and now disease that will kill us all. Fear is a powerful motivator, but it loses its edge, especially when the world does not end.

Recently I saw a list of dozens of 'ends of the world;' (some religious, some not) all of which didn't happen. But people just set a new data and a new set of beliefs. Apparently I've survived the end of the world many times over.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Wikipedia's list of predicted
David Killens's picture
Welcome to Atheist Republic

Welcome to Atheist Republic Daniel, I hope your stay here is one of fun and learning.

From my perspective most religions are doomsday cults, they promise a glorious afterlife once this shitty one on earth is done. Some just keep it in their back pocket, some can't wait for the day, some work towards Armageddon.

Religion plays on the emotions of people, and manipulates them using ego, peer pressure, and especially fear. Hell was actually invented, it was not a working concept two thousand years ago. But religion evolved (yes, evolution in play) and gradually ratcheted up the fear factor, Hell got worse and worse until it is visualized as a nasty place to be.

Cognostic's picture
@ I just Wish the World Would

@ I just Wish the World Would Stop Fucking Ending!
It's fucking annoying! There I am out on a date with a nice lady, in a nice restaurant, and suddenly she drops dead, material head splashing into her material soup, blowing red chunky blobs onto the white table cloth and embarrassing me in front of the other heathens.

Or there I am walking down the street when the world suddenly bursts into flames, people get turned into bacon as flaming tornadoes of fire scoop them from the streets. It's a fucking mess and I spend the rest of my day stepping over dead charred bodies.

The worst part is being grabbed out of the bathroom during a good shit, or pulled naked from the tub. "Welcome to heaven my son! Oops my bad! False alarm." And then back to earth I go. Up and down, up and down, up and down like a fucking yo-yo. I wish to fuck God would make up his mind.

Then of course there is the problem of being stuffed back into a body that has been laying dormant in bathwater or on a toilet seat for 3 days. FUCK! Talk about being stiff! On top of that, I never get put back into my original body quite right. You would think an all powerful God would be more careful with his measurements. It always seems I am a few inches off and so I run about bashing my head into tree branches, missing other trees entirely when I jump, and shoving bananas into my eyes instead of my mouth. I once ripped off my penis and shoved it in my mouth before I realized it was not one of my stashed bananas. And then just as everything gets back to normal, the whole fucking thing starts again.

I hate end of the worlds!

dogalmighty's picture


That should be poignant for the delusionoids...but perpetually failing at reason, will not allow sense to be part of thought, seeing its not part of their narrative.

Grinseed's picture
OK back @ you Daniel.

OK back @ you Daniel.

You have described yourself as socially anxious and I assume you mean because you live in a predominantly christian community where disbelief is not tolerated.

Do you have a need to pretend to believe? Would you be in any danger if you were found out?

If so, please be very careful not to reveal your real identity anywhere here on AR, or making even obscure references about where you live. Its just a precaution some people need to take.

Otherwise we look forward to your involvement and contributions.

I am rather fortunate to live in a country where religion is not regarded as being very important. Even declaring my atheism is considered by most not worth the effort. Everyone else here seems more concerned about getting back to the cricket and football.

Daniel2's picture
I wouldn't be any danger

I wouldn't be any danger .Luckily I ain't in that church nor are any of my family but the problem is I know these members they
are supper mean they do social rejection they bad month people who disagree with them this is a church that shares some similarities to the Westboro Baptist Church .I wouldn't face in any precaution because the country I am in doens't do precaution if you are an atheist you won't be jailed or executed .I keep my atheism secret because their pastor always gives speeches about
how wrong people and other churches is and only they are right .I don't see members very often anymore and sometimes only see them (rarely) in the mall or shopping centers they are rude they don't even say hello . I met them at school a few years ago and they social rejected me and call me bad names for not beanig in their church

boomer47's picture
Hi Daniel from sunny South

Hi Daniel from sunny South Australia, bizarre murder capital of the world (really)

You are an atheist and suffer from social anxiety? I ask because the answer has meaning for me.

In the mean time, jump in. We seldom bite other atheists. If you're sincere, the response will be accepting and supportive. Most of the atheists here come from a position of belief

Daniel2's picture
Yes I am an atheist that

Yes I am an atheist that from suffer social anxiety .

boomer47's picture
@ Daniel

@ Daniel

"Yes I am an atheist that from suffer social anxiety ."

Me too, for many years, so I empathise. The last few years my condition has been helped by a good psychologist and medication . I recommend both.

The treatment has meant that I can now face social situations without panicking. Still feel uncomfortable in crowds, so avoid them as much as possible .

Day at a time mate.

Daniel2's picture
Thanks this is very accepting

Thanks this is very accepting and supportive . I find it very helpful thank you for the great advise you are a very good person

boomer47's picture


"I find it very helpful thank you for the great advise you are a very good person"

Very kind of you to say Daniel, thank you.

My own opinion is that I'm neither an especially good nor an especially bad person, but that I have had my moments.

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