I was watching an interview with a satanist the other day where he expressed that they really do not believe in the devil. It is more of a philosophy about doing what though will, without guilt and being anti-christ. You could say we are anti-christ being atheists as we don't believe in him or god, the holy ghost, etc.
Now being an atheist means non belief in not only god, but the devil. Would you agree? I think that satanists serve a purpose however. They can drive the religious right nuts and have just as much right to display their symbols like the goat and pentagram, just like the christians have done with the cross and christmas displays, etc.
So I started to listen to an old band I kind of forgot about from my teenage years, Iron Maiden. I remember the uproar in 1982 when they came out with The Number of The Beast and the people that tied them to being satanists. I can't stop listening to these discs lately. Music can be therapeutic and I find I am listening to more of that evil, "satanic" music lately!
So people have always liked to fuck with me about being an atheist. Now I have really given them more to think about as I am telling them I am a satanist and not an atheist,lol!
Well Halloween is coming up and I am sticking up on some gory props for my front porch. Anyone know where I can get a few gallons of pigs blood?
Just enjoying my mid life crisis! 666, the one for you and me! LOL!
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