Religious Joke of the Day

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Cognostic's picture
Religious Joke of the Day

Three boys are in a school yard. The first boy brags.... "My father puts a few words on a piece of papers, calls it a poem, and gets 50 dollars for it."

The second boy pipes up, "That's nothing! My dad puts a few words on a piece of paper, calls it a song and gets 100 dollars for it.

The third boy laughs... "Ha ha ha ha ha.... My dad puts a few words on a piece of paper, calls it a sermon, and it takes 8 people to collect all the money."

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boomer47's picture
Mutorc S'yriah's picture
I hope this pic. posts


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Cognostic's picture
It should have been a pick of
David Killens's picture
A priest, a minister, and a
Seek3R's picture
Nice, but I was waiting for
boomer47's picture
donna's picture
I love your article very much
kathleenkirvin271's picture
That would be excellent for
Keebler's picture
If you enjoy the excitement
ifuturestore1's picture
The showroom features the
lunadam's picture
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