One song that has always stood out to me while growing up and even to this day is "Blasphemous Rumors" by Depeche Mode. "I don't want to start any blasphemous rumors but I think that God's got a sick sense of humor and when I die I expect to find him loving". I was always surprised to hear a mainstream song admit God has a sick sense of humor! We all know it but to hear it from such a popular group makes it ever more reasonable.
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The wages of sin by the rainmakers:
Many other heavier sounding bands have strong anti religious lyrics but this song is softer rock and still very good.
the revolutionary hymn the International. there are the words in it asserting that no god, no tsar and no hero can give us freedom- but only we ourselves!
Anything by Tim Minchin XD
Imagine by John Lennon
All of Tim Minchin's work no doubt. d:
Comfort Eagle by Cake
Most things written by Tim Lambesis (Yes he's that metal singer currently accused of paying someone to murder his wife), but his lyrics have always inspired me back when I was a Christian, and now as an atheist because he became an atheist too and his lyrics catch the emotional experience of that very well. (“I shall never be ashamed of citing a bad author if the line is good.” - Seneca).
See the tracks 'Cauterize' and 'A Greater Foundation' in the 2012 album 'Awakened':
And here's another of his;
Most clasical music makes me think about divinity and the exitence of a higher power. But then when I'm done listening I go back to a complete atheist...blame it on the genius minds of the classical composers.
One interesting group that has always stood out to me is Christian Death. When I was Christian I assumed Rozz Williams and other members were definitely Atheist but eventually when I myself became Atheist I learned that many of the members believed in god but in their own way.
Rozz was so radical that it was difficult for me to understand how he could believe in god and still live the life he lived. He is an example to me that there is no set description of god, god is really whatever we make him out to be. I am not saying this to support god, but more so to explain how a band really altered my perspective on god and religion as a whole.
This song actually changed my life. I really started to question my faith in Christianity immensely(even though I never completely believed) after listening to this song. It's from my favourite band ever, Pearl Jam, which makes it even more awesome. But yeah, in retrospect this song really meant a lot to me and I finally made me feel at peace with myself knowing that no God exists. The song is called Marker in the sand. Here's the lyrics
I always thought the lyric said, " I expect to find him laughing "
"I thought that I heard you laughing" came out of the song I immediately thought of when seeing this forum. I love the video to that song by the way! but I don't think any music influenced or made me think about my beliefs. I have just always had an inquisitive mind. I do however have a lot of songs that make me think of my beliefs.
Music makes me think about all sorts of things regarding my beliefs at times. Other times I just feel like listening to it to keep me company while I work it always touches a certain emotional vein. Be it of anger, sadness, melancoly, optimism and motivation etc.