Madeline Murray O'Hare

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Marbles151's picture
Madeline Murray O'Hare

For those of you who haven't heard of her, Madeline Murray O'Hare was the catalyst who stopped prayer in the public schools. She was a militant atheist who went on all kinds of shows, cursed up a blue streak, and was once considered the most hated woman in America. Unfortunately, her story takes a dark turn when she, her son, and grand-daughter were kidnapped and killed. It's reported that they were beheaded by associates who were ripping off her foundation. Anyway, I think if we're ever going to be recognized as part of society, and not heathens who are destroying the country, we need to get militant like O'Hare. We need a big resounding voice that's blasted all over mainstream and social media. If not, we'll never have a president that is openly atheist, and supports our causes.

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chimp3's picture
I miss her.
CyberLN's picture
She is an American hero.
BAACKJD's picture
Thanks for posting this. I'm
chimp3's picture
I remember her being vilified
Adieu's picture
I do remember her
Pitar's picture
I don't need to receive
chimp3's picture
O'Hare was also the founder
ImFree's picture
I wonder how the hell
jay-h's picture
Back when she was still alive

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