If God can ignore and allow this............
* 297 children have died from school shootings in the U.S. since 1995
* 58 people were killed at the Las Vegas shooting, almost 500 shot but not killed
* 250,000 people died in the Asian Tsunami in 2004
* 230,000 people died in the earthquake in Haiti in 2010
* Dylan Roof killed 9 people inside a church at a prayer meeting in 2015
* Approximately 67,500 women report being raped in the US every year
* Thousands of children have been raped by Catholic priests
* 9,000,000 children under the age of 5 die worldwide every year
* 3,000 Americans were killed in terrorist attacks in 2001
* Adam Lanza shot & killed 20 children, 6 & 7 years old, at Sandy Hook Elementary
* There have been 4,705 known lynchings in the U.S. since the civil war
* Over 15,000 children under age 19 are diagnosed with cancer each year in the US
* 800,000 Rwandas were killed in a 100 day genocide in 1994
* 6,000,000 Jews were murdered during The Holocaust
* Slavery has existed for hundreds of years
(A list like this can easily go on and on and on!)
......So since God is all knowing, which would mean that He knows everything that's going to happen before it even occurs, and He is all powerful, which means He could have stopped or prevented any and all of these tragedies and deaths if He wanted to but chose not to, then you can be absolutely CERTAIN that He OBVIOUSLY isn't going to be the least bit inclined to give even the tiniest shit about any of this:
* Whether or not you thank Him for dinner
* Your individual financial wants or needs
* Protecting you or your loved ones from harm
* Helping you find a job or a house
* Who wins a sporting event
* Loving all of us equally
* Helping you or your loved ones overcome sickness or disease
* Whatever else it is that you are praying for
Conclusion: A person would have to be a total narcissist (and lacking in basic common sense) to actually believe that God helps them individually by answering their relatively small, trivial prayers while at the very same time He quite obviously ignores and allows the death and unfathomably immense pain and suffering of MILLIONS of fellow human beings on a regular, ongoing basis. It makes zero sense!
(Or more succinctly, as Pirate Jack so eloquently expressed in a reply to this post: "It is foolish to believe that a god who floods the world, plaques us with disease, allows the murder and torture of children, allows concentration camps, etc........... would give one fuck about your goddamned prayer! Fucking ridiculous!")
So let's get real! It's time to face facts! We're on our own. Prayer is a waste of time. Let's forego useless 'thoughts and prayers' and implement real, actual solutions to our problems!
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