The deathbed is the ultimate test

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Trevor's picture
The deathbed is the ultimate test

I have always been curious as to how many atheists still hold on to their mindset once they are faced with their last hours or days. Because i have heard many stories of people asking god for his forgiveness when they are in those last moments. And it does seem like the ultimate test for an atheist person to go through. Does anyone here have any stories to share about atheists that you knew that died and how they faced their last moments?

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Rob's picture
This is a good topic. I hav
flyingdetrius's picture
Most stories of death bed
Trevor's picture
Zarathustra's picture
A common story is that of
jaymesbond0007's picture
This is a good question. I
Trevor's picture
Thanks for sharing your
AnimalLeader's picture
There is no doubt that the
Trevor's picture
A good video on the
Melinda Davis's picture
I'm just not convinced of the
AnimalLeader's picture
I think it depends on your
James's picture
I think dying must be scary
droyce's picture
I feel like the religious try
Nicktator's picture
Now, this is a topic that I
Lauren's picture
There must be a sense of fear
Xian's picture
There are not much atheists
Delani Rorschech Zondo's picture
If God Does exist. I think I
DarkLight's picture
LOL delani, that is a good
xkcd1's picture
Well said Delani. To be
chimp3's picture
Welcome New user 12! Please
Henry Plantagenet's picture
The infamous 19th-centry
Henry Plantagenet's picture
This issue was particularly
Unknowntyper's picture
It does not matter. And it is
Zaphod's picture
Death is a scary proposition
Cognostic's picture
Seek3R's picture
But then the question is,
David Killens's picture
Seek3R's picture
Why zero gain? What if you
Cognostic's picture
Seek3R: Do you have any idea
LogicFTW's picture
Adding to what Cognostic
Peurii's picture
The point about which god


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