Daylight Saving Time: Do we need it?

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arakish's picture
Daylight Saving Time: Do we need it?

Looking for everyone's opinion on this.

Mine. I basically started me life as a farmer when I was 4 years old and helping me dad and me mom. Us farmers ALWAYS measure the "day" as "sunup" to "sundown," not some stupid fucking timepiece known as a clock (or watch). Even today, some 40 years later of not being a farmer, I still measure a "day" as being from "sunup" to "sundown" and "night" is from "sundown" to "sunup". My feelings is that Daylight Saving Time (DST) should be utterly eradicated and made illegal under penalty of death.

The next time it rolls around, we should just set the clocks 30 minutes ahead or back, depending upon when it is done, then leave the clocks alone. Man has survived without the need for DST for hundreds of thousands of years. We can get by without it now.

The USDOE (Department of Energy) states that by using DST, we save about 5 to 8 percent on our energy costs during the summer months here in the US. I say it is bullshit. A class I was in studying GIS did a study and showed it is actually only about 1 to 2 percent, making DST a useless function.

Just wondering what y'all thought.


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Tin-Man's picture
Re: "Do we need it?"
Tin-Man's picture
After reading the OP, I will
Anonymous's picture
Alert the media!
mikek's picture
Not half as daft as not
Sapporo's picture
Ideally, the working day
ThePragmatic's picture
Just as Tin-Man said:
watchman's picture
I tend to disagree...…..
algebe's picture
In New Zealand it worked fine
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Yep, her in Western Australia
Anonymous's picture
Anyplace below the equator
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ MB
Anonymous's picture
Old Man, and you're kissable
algebe's picture
@Magnificent Beast: Anyplace


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arakish's picture
After reading MB's reply, I
Cognostic's picture
Rocky Mountain Feline Rescue
Anonymous's picture
Algebe, I just love that map.
LogicFTW's picture
While I knew the view of the
algebe's picture
And here's a map centered on


Attach Image/Video?: 

Anonymous's picture
I like that, it looks so
arakish's picture
Totally correct. However, in
xenoview's picture
Grinseed's picture
I believe DST started in
David Killens's picture
Up in Edmonton, Alberta,
Cognostic's picture
I have not read the other
LogicFTW's picture
arakish's picture
As have I. The best and most
arakish's picture
And before y'all point out
Anonymous's picture
I do love to hear the horrid
Nyarlathotep's picture
Well I know it makes computer
Anonymous's picture
Awww, Nylar, thank you for


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