Bumper Sticker Blasphemy

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SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Bumper Sticker Blasphemy

Hello world!

There are a lot of hilarious bumper stickers out there. When stuck in traffic, I can appreciate the comedic value of a good bumper sticker like "Watch out for the idiot behind me" or "CAUTION This Vehicle makes frequent stops (at your mom's house)" and how about "No Baby on board!" (Complete with the durex brand symbol)

The thing is... There are a lot of annoying religious bumper stickers out there. I'd like to vote "THE BLOOD OF JESUS" as being the most annoying. Not only do I find it distasteful, but it's also an incomplete sentence. Not only is it a display of bad grammer, but it makes me ask the same question that you are probably asking about this post.. "What's the point of this???"

If you'd like, please cast your vote. I'd love to see what you come up with should you choose to.



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BAACKJD's picture
"Real Men Love Jesus"
algebe's picture
I hate the self-righteous


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CyberLN's picture
But the irreverent hijacked
BAACKJD's picture
I really need to incorporate
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Yes! I've seen this thing so
algebe's picture
@Secular: "What is it's
Alembé's picture
Then there are the
Truett's picture
The bumper sticker that
Pitar's picture
There was one that I will
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Compensated? Yeah.. in juicy
mykcob4's picture
I personally think that the
chimp3's picture
"My Boss is a Jewish
mykcob4's picture
I hate "Jesus Saves" and "God
MCDennis's picture
"Protected by Angels" was
curtisabass's picture
I have a bumper sticker that
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Lol I like that

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