- Thou shalt not be an asshole to any other person or animal, ever.
- Thou shalt not treat any other creature, with disrespect or with any intent to cause physical OR emotional harm, ever.
- Thou shalt not preach thine own beliefs to any other person, ever.
- Thou shalt not hold beliefs in any one single truth, that is not clearly based in reality, supported by science, with repeatable and observable phenomena that isn't generally accepted as fact, ever.
- Thou shalt not hold any other person to a standard of ethics higher than one's own, ever.
- Thou shalt not judge another person by skin color, gender, perceived disability, ancestry, or sexual preference, ever.
- Thou shalt not use one's own intellect (or perceived intellect) as a weapon against another person, place or thing, ever.
- Thou shalt not seek to better one's own interests, at the expense of another's, ever.
- Thou shalt not seek to control/prohibit/prevent/force/decide/judge what another person does to their own body, ever.
- Thou shalt not ignore the other 9 commandments, ever.
What are your ten commandments? In other words, I'm curious what standards/ethics/morals/codes/etc. my fellow atheists subscribe to, in their daily lives. And what happens to you, if you make a mistake and break one of your own "commandments?"
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