The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Nonbeliever

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The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Nonbeliever
The Portable Atheist

The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Nonbeliever

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Christopher Hitchens, the #1 New York Times best-selling author that gave us his brilliant take on religion's malevolence in God Is Not Great yet again delivers arguments for a fantastic universe where a god does not exist in this collection of influential voices who have shaped the landscape of the non-believers' side in today’s raging “to believe or not to believe” debate.

The Portable Atheist is a controversial, thought-provoking and entertaining tour of atheism and agnosticism in history, featuring insights from notable authors such as Salman Rushdie and Ian McEwan, as well as those from outspoken gender equality activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Readers can expect to be regaled by Hitchen’s wit while being guided through words from Benedict de Spinoza, Lucretius, Charles Darwin, Mark Twain, Karl Marx, George Eliot, Emma Goldman, Bertrand Russell, H. L. Mencken, Daniel Dennett and Albert Einstein among others. Works from other notable atheists such as Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins are also featured.

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Zaphod's picture
This could be an interesting
Brometheus's picture
I am reading it right now. It
SammyShazaam's picture
Interesting indeed! Some of
Christopher McFarlane's picture
That gives me the idea that
firebolt's picture
It seems like it could go off
Zaphod's picture
Cool thanks, I look forward
mattyn's picture
Me too! Let us know how you
efpierce's picture
They had me right up until
firebolt's picture
I'm back with my thoughts on
efpierce's picture
Thanks for reporting back
Zaphod's picture
Yes thanks Firebolt! I was
Lmale's picture
Like all the other books to
Rongoklunk's picture
The Portable Atheist is worth
Hiram Crespo's picture
This is an amazing book. It
Gladys Lacia Matlarkaltas's picture
I wish I could be enlightened
Pitar's picture
I just can't imagine there's

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