Isaac Asimov's "Guide to the Bible"

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Tomcolumbus's picture
Isaac Asimov's "Guide to the Bible"

I found this book invaluable in sorting out the parts of the Christian Bible that were true, sorta true, probably not true, and completely fictional.

Asimov was (RIP) a secular Jewish science and science fiction writer. In this extremely weighty book he used his extraordinary ability to absorb information and and condense it onto a page to give the reader an understanding of the context in which the many and various parts of the Bible were written. Understanding the culture and world views of the different times and places in which the different books were written is like understanding the difference between a news report from Fox, WaPo, BBC, and AlJazeera. It gives you insight into why people wrote what they did, without telling you what you should think about it.

I can't recommend it too highly, for people who live in a world dominated by Christianity, regardless of your opinion about Christianity.
It's not a theological work. It's not an opinion piece. It's a clear eyed, well informed, explanation of the world of the authors of the Bible.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
My copy was confiscated then
dogalmighty's picture
LOL. Religious immorality in
Grinseed's picture
If anyone is interested:
Kevin Levites's picture
Thank you. I lost my copy of
Grinseed's picture
No problem Kev. Lots of
Silly Bill E.'s picture
Thank you for this.
GregoryStellar's picture
Asimov is a great man who
Satiro's picture
Though I'm thrilled to
dariohill's picture
the Drift Hunters free
UshaDestination's picture
Looking forward to reading
NamasteIndiaTrip's picture
Super cool! Several very good
thoasmxz's picture
I completely agree, having a
amityusa's picture
Block Blast is based on

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