A Better Jesus

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A Better Jesus
A Better Jesus

A Better Jesus: a gospel to put a smile on the faces of unbelievers

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An ancient gospel has been unearthed in the sands of Egypt. But instead of telling about Jesus, this gospel was written by Jesus himself! Writing in his old age, having long since abandoned his faith, he’s looking back on his education, his friendships, his love for an amazing woman, and on an unusual couple of years in which, for some reason, crowds of people were hanging on his every word.

He’s not preaching some tired old Yahweh agenda. This is a Jesus who champions the rights of women, who champions the cause of science, who rejects the mantle of messiah, choosing instead to have followers who think for themselves, who are their own messiahs.

You’ll laugh with him, weep with him, love with him – but you won’t feel pressured to worship him. Or anyone else, for that matter. Read this gospel, and you’ll never read those other gospels the same.

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CyberLN's picture
Looking forward to reading
stonnplea78's picture
Please do not ignore the fact
Cognostic's picture
Which Jesus are we talking
NewSkeptic's picture
Cognostic's picture
1. In Matthew, we find Jesus
NewSkeptic's picture
Cognostic's picture
Apollonius of Tyana would be
the universal's picture
The Atheists’ knowledge Of
Nyarlathotep's picture
@the universal


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Tin-Man's picture
@Nyar Re: Universal (atheist
the universal's picture
As an atheist, I have studied
Tin-Man's picture
the universal's picture
I have met that old man and
Tin-Man's picture

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