We atheists should feel safe to speak out at all times.

As an outspoken atheist in high school, I personally feel that we atheists should be entitled to speak of our views as we please. I do it all the time, and so far I have felt safe in doing so (even when others lash out at me). I think the idea that we offend others with our disbelief in a deity is ludicrous for the reason that the same can be said for religous people offending us. However, I understand that we are just Godless heathens to them anyways, so of course it is normal to feel afraid to speak out. According to a friend of mine, who is Christian, I am not allowed to speak about my atheism in public because it does not count as a religion so it has no merit in life. I feel atheism can mean so much to someone's life in the same fashion as someone's religion. Having said that, we atheists should feel safe to speak out at all times.

- Alex

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