There is safety in numbers

Although I don't live in an Islamic country, living in Australia I am grateful that we live in a peaceful, democratic part of the world where multiculturalism has prevailed better than most countries for many years. We have an Islamic community with their leaders and followers, and for the first time, more and more of us Australians are seeing that Islamic culture CAN NOT co-exist with other cultures, our Australian values and democracy. In certain towns across our nation, we are seeing that communities have purposely divide/isolated themselves from our culture to live by their ways, their laws and women in burqas treated as second class. Men from middle-eastern backgrounds create the high crime rate amongst the general population, and eventually stray getting into drugs, stealing, gambling etc then find themselves in the process of being radicalized and persuaded to go overseas to fight foreign wars.

New counter-terrorism laws were introduced not too long ago, and its already creating tension and rejection by the Muslim community. They feel they are targeted and persecuted on a racial level, but these laws cover religiously fueled terrorism. We only want to keep our country safe, protect OUR citizens and way of life. The mindset of a Muslim, their devotions and loyalties lie in their faiths and god and want everyone to covert to their religion. It would make sense that they show their true colours more and more, and most of us doubt of their intentions to be peaceful.

Tolerance? Respect for other religions? Respect for non-believers, even atheists? Respect for our laws are not in their vocabulary whether they claim so. If you are an atheist in Muslim dominated countries, I would suggest leaving that country for good, escape, leave everything, trust those who you value the most about your non-belief and seek out civilized countries perhaps? There is no point rebelling or expressing free-thought against a totalitarian government if they are capable of torturing or killing you.  I fear that expressing your non-belief will be your death. There is safety in numbers, atheists have one thing in common...lack of belief in a god where there is little scientific evidence to prove it's existence, every atheist possesses humanist values. But I would not know what advice is correct or safe, as I honestly don't know. If you can collaborate with other ex-Muslims, non-believers you maybe able to express your views and ideas with them if that's possible.

- Ange Pange

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