But there is NO reason to be obnoxious about your atheism.

I identify atheist, but do not carry a banner.

I do not argue with the religious because I do not see the point, their minds are made up.

I do not insult them by demeaning their religion, what is the point of doing that?

I sit or stand quietly during a prayer over a meal or at another function.  What is the point of making a scene?  Observation tells me that only makes the religious angry and there is no point in that.

I do not talk to missionaries calling at the door.  I say I am not interested.  I see no point in trying to convert them to my views when I (we) are unhappy that they are trying to convert us to their views why should we take the avenue of converting to ours?

My religious friends, Mormon and Evangelical, know I am not interested and so we do not enter into dialog about religion, for the same reason I as my feeling about missionaries (I don't feel like I should preach atheism if I do not want to hear their religion preached).

My experience with actual (rather than virtual) atheist groups was mixed.  Many of the people were educated, concerned citizens with whom I share a common goal of doing the best we can, helping those around us and showing that we care for the community.  In one group there were a number of people (these happened to be young men and women) who appeared to not be well educated, and who seemed to have a bone to pick with the community;  I interpreted their actions and motivations as unkind, a bit nasty toward the religious, and as not very good representatives of the atheist community.  As luck would have it, (it seems the rule rather than the exception) these people were vocal and harsh and made me as uncomfortable as a bible thumping evangelical.

Unfortunately, the virtual community of atheists looks a lot like the vocal, harsh young uneducated ones I met.  I read many religious 'trolls' hitting and biting on atheist social media sites.  I cannot believe these individuals really follow what they believe to be a just and loving god; the comments, accusations and sentences of eternal damnation certainly do not sound like words from folks with whom I care to associate. So, back to the first statement in this paragraph - I read just as much hate and damnation in the comments from many atheists.  This is annoying and unfair and I believe leads the general public to see atheists as a bunch of jerks.

I have followed several atheist sites on FB and then unfollowed because they take lines from news articles to use for headlines - then when the story is read, it is either not as blatant, or totally different, from what the headline implies.  I am sorry I do not have examples.  Videos are often used and speakers cut off mid thought - later when I look for the entire speech or article I find the quotes taken out of context.  I know this tactic is used by many religions and politicians on both sides.  Why doesn't honest reporting work?

I am in favor of making every effort to keep religion out of government and our of my face.  But there is NO reason to be obnoxious when doing that.

- Kristina

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