The religious are entitled to their opinion

Do religious people look at themselves in the mirror and question why the world has been torn apart by the grips of religion? Or why it has remained fragmented for a long time? Or don't they care? The fact they are safe, sound and happy doesn't mean someone else is. There are going to be many who suffer by forceful religious indoctrination and you can see the pain in their eyes, it happens everyday. And the fact other atheists criticize other atheists because were all hung up on negativity irks me even more. Raising awareness about harmful religious brainwashing/indoctrination isn't just a human right, its an obligation. This is one of the reasons why we are what we are. As they are entitled to their opinion, we still need to spread as much education out as much possible, but I think it's important to create a positive awareness about an atheist's aim or hope for making this world a better place, now and in the long run. We need far more coverage on non-religious operated fundraisers and charities giving to the unfortunate, homeless and abused. If people see and witness good being done, knowing that they are not religious (and you don't need to be), simply because they want to and is in their blood, it may lessen the stereotypical portal of negativity associated with atheism.

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