It is damn right frustrating!

I think a lot of people (even Atheists) get the issue of Atheism very wrong!

Most times, you are a Theist.....then you become an Atheist based on the fact that there are flaws (verifiable evidence that religion has so much errors),.....and you end up a Humanist based on the negative effects these religious flaws have on people which manifests in their physical way of life.

More often, when most Atheists engage in discussions with Theists, the atheists emphasize more on the negative effects religion have more on the people, then work their way upwards to the flaws in religion that caused this negative effects. This is very normal as the HUMANISTIC element in the Atheist is the one driving the passion in the discussion. A religious person will always throw up a wall instantly & will never see the positive sides of the discussion........don't forget to throw in the temperament of the Atheist (maybe he's someone who can't take any bullshit when it is overwhelmingly clear evidence suggests he's right). The Theist will see this as arrogance and most times oppressing.

Very few Atheist will work up their way from the flaws in religion to the negative effects caused by the flaws. It requires A LOT ( & I mean REAL LOT) of patience & explanation toward Theists who probably will block their reasoning because of religion.

Therefore, most times I don't (I wouldn't say 'lay blame')....or rather, most times I try not to criticize most Atheist (@deezer234, @fizoby01 - I love these guys) who are ferociously vocal with regards to religion...... because there is this empathy that stems from the fact that if you are sure that 1+1=2, with uncountable evidence, and no verifiable counter-evidence..... Then, you present this evidence to someone (who's more/less your peer with at least a substantial level of knowledge for his age) and there is a friction because the person has refused to exercise his knowledge due to religion constraint.....IT IS DAMN RIGHT FRUSTRATING!!


Ituen (@cyebog)

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